Singing Guide: Hot Mess in Manhattan

Singing Guide: Hot Mess in Manhattan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Ella Cole

Hot Mess in Manhattan is a TV show that follows the life of Ella Cole, a singer-songwriter from New York. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Ella, you'll find that her style is unique and diverse, blending elements of pop, jazz, and R&B. To learn how to sing like her, you'll need to focus on a few key areas:

Vocal Technique

First and foremost, developing proper vocal technique is essential to singing like Ella. Singing with good posture, breathing correctly, and opening up your mouth and throat while singing are all important elements of proper technique. Singing carrots' articles on Breathing basics, Voice registers & vocal break and Breath support offer practical advice on these topics.


Before jumping right into singing Ella's music, warming up your vocal cords is crucial to avoiding injury and achieving the best sound possible. Singing carrots' Farinelli Breathing exercise and Humming exercise provide excellent vocal warm-ups to get you ready to start singing like Ella.

Emotion and Interpretation

Ella is known for her soulful and emotional performances, which means that simply hitting the right notes isn't enough to sing like her. Singing with feeling and conveying the emotion of the lyrics is essential. Singing carrots' articles on Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking and Tips for performing on stage are great resources to help you develop your emotional performance style.

Style and Song Choice

Ella has a unique style that blends elements of pop, jazz, and R&B. To sing like her, you'll need to study the songs that showcase her style the most. Some great songs to start with include "Invisible" and "Better Man" from her album, "Hot Mess in Manhattan." But don't stop there! Singing Carrots' song search engine is a great tool for finding songs that fit your own style and vocal range.


Learning to sing like Ella Cole takes practice, dedication, and a thorough knowledge of vocal technique, warm-ups, emotion and interpretation, and style and song choice. Fortunately, you have everything you need to get started here at Singing Carrots where you can find everything from vocal range test to vocal health tips and video exercises on various aspects of singing. So get practicing and soon you’ll be singing like Ella in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.